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Four insane PaGaLGuY t-shirts at insanely reasonable prices

FourWe are writing this post to shamelessly plug the four insane PaGaLGuY tees that are currently available for buying in the online store. It’s not like you were not going to buy them without our blatant marketing, but we are still informing you so that you don’t write hate emails to us later for not giving you a heads-up.

We also don’t have a problem with your hate mails, but it’s not good that they take away from our precious online time better utilized on more productive activities such as playing Farmville and Mafia Wars.

Let’s talk about the t-shirts now, one by one. But before that, some general knowledge. All PaGaLGuY t-shirts are made of top-quality and long-lasting cotton material that will last longer than Energizer batteries. They all deliver in nice PaGaLGuY boxes that you would not dream to throw away.

1. The Case Study of an Indian MBA student t-shirt

This t-shirt has been designed by a PaGaLGuY employee who just returned from the Harvard Business School. Look at the expression on her face. Such contentment can only be found in someone who has just returned after getting a Harvard MBA.

For two long years at Harvard, she (name withheld on request) was initiated to the highly enlightening fumes of the famed Harvard Case Study method, wherein she learnt how companies such as Ford, GM, Pepsi and such achieved profitability in tough times. Looking at the widespread gareebi of her Indian classmates (bad bad education loan!), she decided to make a similar case study on their life as MBA students to try and devise a poverty-alleviation strategy. The case study has been reproduced as it is on this t-shirt.

If you are an MBA student, you should buy this t-shirt and wear it to class everyday. Whenever your professors cold-call you and you are in the middle of a deep slumber, just mumble out any random line from the t-shirt and you will sound relevant enough for the professor to hold you in high academic regard and not bother you again. This kind of a tactic is called TCP-IP (T-shirt Class Participation Is Powerful) and is a proven method to top the class. Many of you might find yourself getting through b-school solely on the basis of this t-shirt. In such a case, please transfer 80% of your first salary to our bank accounts in gratitude (and spend the remaining 20% on buying more PG t-shirts).

MBA aspirants should buy this t-shirt because in it they will see their future. Those with potbellies will actually experience foresight from a crystal ball (this message was sponsored by our upcoming junk-food chain).

Buy this t-shirt for Rs 299

2. What happens when you mix Insanity, Fun and MBA? t-shirt

Continuing with our highly relevant statistical studies of deep philosophical questions such as what annoying mobile ringtones say about the bearer’s domestic life, we bring you a t-shirt that finally unravels the mystery behind the consequences of mixing Insanity, Fun and MBA.

The implications of this study are especially important for MBA aspirants, many of whom are fun-loving youngsters who turn into disturbed loonies while studying hard to prepare for the CAT exam. There is compelling evidence to suggest that preparing for this super-competitive exam renders many people to indulge in such bizarre acts as registering on websites creepily named “” and striving hard to have tags such as ‘Certified Pagal’. It has been reported that these people end up having a lot of fun on this website. Many of them even go to the lengths of buying wacko t-shirts exploring the subject of insanity such as this one. An expert psychologist who we consulted for insights said, “It is surprising how many of these strange people end up in India and the World’s top b-schools such as the IIMs, XLRI, FMS, Wharton, Chicago GSB and others. Parenting is traditionally about turning children into well-behaved good boys or good girls. However, this study shows how much parents are unaware about the competitive advantages of losing one’s mind.”

By wearing this t-shirt, you too can become part of this vital research project on Insanity, Fun and MBA and be a contributor to the cause of cutting edge science.

Buy this t-shirt for Rs 299

The remaining two t-shirts are old ones, which we were hoarding in our godowns to make a quick extra buck during these inflationary times.

3. The Mind Your Business Anna t-shirt

This t-shirt is a tribute to all the country’s Udupi restaurants, whose daily mass-produce of idli, dosa and uthhapam fuels the energies of lakhs of MBA aspirants who live faraway from their homes, working in the IT sector or in college, and cannot do without their daily breakfast helping of South Indian food. It features the legendary fictional character Quick Gun MG, who can be seen projecting his flamboyant toothy-smile on the t-shirt.

Strategically colored in black, it is designed to endure all sambar and coconut-chutney stains created by clumsy eaters. It will be a sheer professional delight for whoever does your clothes washing, man or machine.

Buy this t-shirt for Rs 299

4. The Self Actualized t-shirt

This is how we evolved, this is what we have become. Insanely self-actualized, and proud of it!

Buy this t-shirt for Rs 299

All t-shirts can be paid for using Credit Cards, Netbanking, Debit cards, Cash cards. Or you can just simply pay cash on delivery at your doorstep.

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