The result for the phase I exam for post of manager has been released by the Food Corporation of India (FCI). Candidates appeared in this exam can check their results released on the official website of FCI.
Candidates qualifying the FCI Manager Phase 1 exam would be able to appear for the phase-II test. The phase 1 exam was held on November 28, 2019. Candidates appeared in this exam can check the result in the form of merit list.
Phase II exam Pattern:
- The phase II exam consists of two papers both to be held in single sitting.
- Candidates applying for any one of the post code D, E, F and G will appear in paper-I to be followed by paper-II.
- Candidates applying for post code H will appear in paper-III to be followed by paper-IV.
- Rest all will appear for paper I only.
The official online site to get more details on the exam and to check the FCI Manager recruitment result is www.fci.gov.in .
Steps to check FCI Manager recruitment result:
- Visit the official site of FCI as mentioned above in this article.
- Click the link ‘result declared click here’ in the ‘current recruitment’ link on the home page.
- You will get redirected to a new web page.
- Click on category III /II as you have applied for the examination.
- Click on the zone you applied for.
- Check and download the result link at end of the page.
- Take a print of the PDF file for future reference.
Pay Scale:
Candidates qualifying the exam must serve a term of six months as a trainee with a stipend of Rs 40,000 per month. On selection the pay will be increase to Rs 40,000 – 1,40,000.
Also read, FCI Manager Phase I Result 2020.