The Food Corporation of India (FCI) will be carrying the FCI Manager 2019 Exam in four stages- Phase-I and 2 shall be Interview & Training. The Phase-I & Phase-II exam will be carried online, accompanied by Interviews and Training.
How to apply:
Step 1: Visit FCI Category-II Recruitment Online Application Link on the official website
Step 2: Understand the recruitment notification by ticking on “Recruitment Advertisement FCI Category II”
Step 3: Immediately apply for the post by clicking on the zone you desire to join such as “North Zone” or other zones specified in the above link
Step 4: Tick on “Apply Online”
Step 5: Register & Apply for the FCI Recruitment by fulfilling all the required details
Step 6: Then Upload scanned images of Photograph, Signature and Left Thumb Impression as mentioned in the notification
Step 7: Agree on ‘Final Submit’ after re-checking and confirming all the details filled in the form.
Step 8: Proceed for Fee Payment
Step 9: Save the payment slip & confirmation slip for future reference
The official website to know more about the recruitment is http://fci.gov.in/ .
Exam Paper Pattern:
- English Language-30 questions carrying 30m for 20 minutes
- Reasoning Ability-35 questions carrying 35m for 20 minutes
- Numerical Aptitude-35 questions carrying 35m for 20 minutes
- The exam will be of 60minutes in total.
- For each incorrect answer, there will be a negative marking of one-fourth (1/4) of the mark allotted to that question.
Subject | Topics |
English Language
Reasoning Ability
Numerical Aptitude
Selection Process:
For Manager, General or Depot or Movement or Accounts or Technical or Civil Engineering or Electrical Mechanical Engineering.
The selection process will be taken mainly in 3 Stages:
- Stage 1- Online Computer Based Test (Phases – I and II)
- Stage 2 -Interview
- Stage 3 – Training
You can also read, FCI Manager Category II Exam 2019 Admit Card.