FCI (Food Corporation of India) will conduct the FCI Manager exam 2019 today i.e. 28th November 2019. The exam will be conducted at various centres across the country to fill up to 330 manager posts of various zones.
The candidates who appear for the Phase I exam may have downloaded the admit card by now. The admit card for the Phase I exam is now available on the official website of FCI www.fci.gov.in.
The candidates who are appearing for the exam should keep a check on the 5 important points.
Five important points:
- The phase I exam will be conducted in online mode and the duration of the exam will be 60 minutes. The online exam will comprise of objective-type questions. The subjects that are to be included in the test are English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Aptitude.
- The candidates will have to reach the venue 2 hours before the exam including the time required for logging in, collection of the admit cards, going through the instructions, etc. the candidates who will be reporting late will not be allowed to take part in the exam.
- The candidates are asked to carry the original admit care or call letter along with the photocopy of the currently valid photo ID like PAN card, passport, Permanent Driving License, etc. The original photo ID is to be produced at the time of the exam.
- The candidates who qualify the phase I exam will have to appear for the phase II exam and then interview. The marks taken in the phase I exam will not be taken into account at the time of preparing the final merit list. The candidates will have to appear in all phases of the recruitment process to be considered for selection.
- The candidates who are appointed for the post of Management Trainee will have to undergo 6 months of training. The Management Trustee will be paid a consolidated stipend of Rs. 40000/- per month during the training period.