FCI (Food Corporation of India) will conduct the FCI Manager Phase I exam on 28th November 2019. The organization has already released the admit card for the FCI Manager Phase I exam 2019.
Before appearing for the exam, the candidates can check the exam pattern that is given below:
FCI Manager Phase I exam 2019: Exam pattern:
The online exam comprises of Phase I and II exams. The Phase I exam will be conducted on 28th November 2019. The Phase I exam will be objective type questions. Each question in the FCI Manager Phase I exam will carry 1 mark. For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of 1/4th of the mark assigned to the question in the FCI Manager Exam 2019.
The Phase I exam will have 100 questions and total marks are for 100. The duration of the test is 60 minutes and the medium of the exam will be bilingual except for the English language. The question paper will comprise questions from Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, and English Language.
FCI Manager Exam 2019: Selection Process:
- Manager (General/ Depot/ Accounts/ Movement/ Technical/ Electrical/Mechanical Engineering) – the selection process will be consisting of online tests, interview, and training).
- Manager (Hindi) – the selection will be consisting of online tests, and interviews.
The recruitment drive will fill up 330 vacancies for the Manager posts in the organization of different zones. The official notification was released on 28th September 2019 and the last date to register was 27th October 2019.
The candidates can download the admit card of the FCI Manager Phase I exam on the official website www.fci.gov.in till 28th November 2019.
Also read, FCI Recruitment 2019.