MAT is an exam conducted by AIMA and it will be conducted on Sunday, December 9, 2018. The admit card will be available on the official website from December 1, till 4 p.m. And it will be available till December 9 after which it cannot be downloaded. Any request for additional downloads post 9th December will not be entertained whatsoever. In order to avoid last minute difficulties and technical glitches, it is strictly advice for students to download the admit card as soon as it is available.
For the students who have registered after December 1 even for them, the admit card will be made available immediately.
It might take up to 24 hours for the admit card to be available for students who have applied after December 1. Candidates are advised to keep in touch with the website to know the availability of the admit card and to proceed with the downloads immediately.
Only candidates who have registered with MAT exam 2018, will be eligible to download the admit card. Candidates must ensure that fees are paid and only after successful payment of the fees will the admit card be available for download.
Steps to download
- Open the website of AIMA.
- Find the MAT admit card download link which will be on the homepage.
- Click on the download link you will be directed to a page which will ask few fields like application number, date of birth, email id.
- Fill in the details correctly and click on enter
- The admit card will be available which is to be downloaded.
- The admit card will have registration number test details all the important instructions for the exam along with signature and photograph of the candidate
- Candidate must ensure that all the details are in accordance with the details provided.
- Candidates are requested not to paste any kind of photograph on the admit card since the photograph as we already scanned and will be available on the admit card.
Changes in Admit Card
If in case a candidate finds any discrepancy or mismatch of the details in the admit card and the actual details of the candidate it is the responsibility of the candidate to from the report about it on our official mail id [email protected] immediately. The report should be done at least prior to two days before examination after which the changes in the admit card may not be possible to correct.
The emails should contain the current details on the admit card and the details that need to be corrected along with identity proof and supporting documents for the details that have to be changed.
It is very crucial that students carry their original admit card on the exam day. Candidates may not be allowed to enter the premises of examination without original admit card.
Instructions on the admit card
Following are the few instructions which will be printed on admit card.
- They admit card is to be carried in original to the examination hall.
- The gate of the examination centre shall close 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam and after the gate is closed no entry of any candidate will be permitted under any circumstances.
- During the written test, the invigilator may verify your identity and other field particulars in the admit card and sign in the same. He maiden fear of and retain the upper part of the admit card why you are requested to collect the lower part.
Few instructions may be on the second page of admit card like
- Along with the admit card the candidate is supposed to present original id proof such as voter id card pan card driving license passport or any other government id card.
- The candidate is requested to bring a blue or a black ballpoint pen for writing the test
- Following items are not allowed in the examination: mobile phones and back water bottle papers notebooks calculators correction marker. Candidates were found to be carrying or using any of the mentioned items are adopting any unfair means is liable to disqualify from the examination.
- The candidates are requested to hand over the question booklet and answer sheet to the invigilator. They are not supposed to carry a question booklet or any part of the examination outside the examination hall.
- No candidate will leave the exam hall till the end of the test
- Request for change in test centre will not be entertained under any circumstances.