Some rejoice being born into a family of great riches while others lament being born into rags. This partial treatment of life has no specific explanation but there is something that life has given to each one of us impartially and that is 24hrs in a day.. to add some value to it lets say it has given us 86400 seconds. I am sure this change in figure would hardly appeal to most of us because we belong to the creed who has so many other things to value over time. So let me add some real “value” to this figure. Let this be preceded by Dollar.. fine So what I say now is assume that our account gets credited with 86400$ daily. By now I am sure most of us would have already landed in their wonderland imagining what they would do with that money. You are free to spend as per your wish. The only condition put forth is that the remaining money will not be carried forward to the next day. There is no need for me to further explain how each one of us would make every possible effort to use even the last penny. My dear friends, life has bestowed upon us a similar gift. Take a microscopic look and you shall find out that each sec in our life worth much more than a dollar. So now when I say this, you have 86400 precious seconds in your life’s account being credited on a daily basis and it is up to you how many you utilize and how many you waste. We keep waiting for that right time to come and one day we release that the time we have been waiting for never came. When we realize this we are already bankrupted with no more time left in our life’s account. We all come here with an expiry date, the irony is that we don’t even know that date. So under such circumstances how can we postpone all that we want to do for our later age.. for the time when we have gathered good amount of wealth and have won the most desirable person on earth as spouse and most noble beings as children. Wake up folks to discover the beauty of this life.. follow your heart and feel the love and happiness that surrounds you. Let that child within you that has long been masked come up. The child who never cared for jargons like “what”, “who”, “when”, “where” and “why” ,who was the happiest “being” on earth and who was highly energetic as his resting mind sipped all the cosmic energies in the universe. So stop expecting the best of everything to come to you instead try and make the best of everything. Don’t just sit and wait rather live each and every second of your life to the fullest, the seconds which anyhow you would never be able to store .
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