Exam dates for CEPTAM 2019 have been announced by the Defence Research and Development Organisation. Candidates applied for this CEPTAM 2019 can now check their results through the official website of DRDO, www.drdo.gov.in .
This recruitment drive being conducted for recruiting 351 posts for Technician A vacancies. The online application process was from 3rd June to 26th June 2019.
The computer-based test is from 28th to 30th September 2019. The exam will be in two shifts. Admit card will be made available before two weeks of the exam dates. Admit card can be downloadable from the official website of the DRDO.
The Admit card will be available through the online mode. There will not be available any offline admit card. The admit card will contain all the exam related details like date, time, and venue of the exam. The Admit card is an important mandatory document to appear for the exam. Hence, candidates must carry a hardcopy of the admit card along with them for the examination.
Candidates will get selected on their performance in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Please check through the official website for more updates and information.