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Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration of Center of Mass of a System


Displacement of Center of Mass: When in a system of particles, the particles are given some

displacements then its center of mass will also get displaced, the displacement of center of mass can be

easily calculated by the same expression by which we calculate the location of center of mass.

See this

video below to understand the expression for displacement of center of mass if displacement vector of

different particles of system are given.

Velocity and Acceleration of Center of Mass: If different particles of a system are moving, the center of

mass of system may or may not move. The particles may have such motion also so that the center of

mass of system can be kept at rest. This concept will be very useful in coming time to handle variety of

problems related to center of mass of a system of particle.

See the video below to understand the

calculation of velocity and acceleration of Center of Mass of a system of particles.

To understand the calculations about motion parameters of center of mass of a system of particles,

follow the example videos given below

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