October heralds the beginning of the placement seasons in most Indian B-schools . Recruiters are invited who look forward to skim the cream from the vast majority of candidates. Resumes are drafted by students who rack their brains to remember what they have done over the past 2 years. It is during this time that most of the students are at sea and do not know how to differentiate themselves from the rest. Resumes start sounding generic with most of them having details about prior work ex, routine projects as part of the course and activities performed as part of committee.

In such a scenario, what does it take to set you apart from the flock? How can you transform your mundane resume into your Unique Selling point? The groundwork for a strong resume begins in the first semester. A longsighted approach will help you add some eye catching points to you resume which surely cannot miss the recruiter’s eye. Below are some pointers about resume building which could make an impact on the recruiters mind.

*Identify management domains of your interest and take up some external projects related to that domain in an organization. Try to come up with concrete recommendations which can bring about a difference in the way the organization functions. This will prove your ability to handle real life business scenarios by applying management skills.

*Get an article published in a B-School magazine. There are numerous magazines which request authors to write articles on contemporary management topics. Having an article published in your name will showcase your writing skills, something which is highly sought after in the field of business consulting.

*Routinely, as part of events organized by B Schools, there are marketing, finance, operations related competitions. Ad making, branding and re-branding, portfolio handling, business simulations, stock market analysis are some examples of competitions held. Your ability to emerge victorious in such events will prove that you are driven and are ready to take up extra responsibilities outside your area of comfort.

*Either individually or as a part of any committee organise/get involved in events which can address any social issues. Organising blood donation drives, fund raiser for NGO’s, a day out for teaching school kids are some good examples wherein your involvement can reflect your interest and your attitude in handling matters of social concerns affecting the masses.

*Have a hobby of your choice and actively work towards keeping that hobby alive. If you are a singer/dancer then participate in some events, if you are a painter then paint regularly and preserve your work, if you like writing, then write some blogs/short stories etc. Whatever you hobby may be, learn as much as you can about it and showcase it using examples and do not let it sound like a last minute invention.

Rome wasn’t built in a day; same is the case with your resume. Work with foresight to build a resume which can make a lasting impression.

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