With eight breathtaking seasons, who would have anticipated the end to be like this? After the Trinity Killer, the fans were all prepared for an offensive end. But that certainly did not include Debra being killed (even if it was mercy killing), and that too by Dexter himself.

It was contemptuous of Dexter to bury Debra in his paradise which contains dismantled pieces of sin and wickedness. Was Debra being compared to them? Had she committed so many crimes that she deserved such an end? Was her act of killing LaGuerta paying her back? Well, now there is nothing to unfold. It is upon us to decide!

The antagonist of the season, Oliver Saxon, who outsmarted Dexter throughout the season, was well killed asininely. The plot was build up well, all minute details were kept in mind from the character of Cassie, the neighbor to that of Elway. Still how could the writers throw it away? How could a person who always had the upper hand be overthrown so easily?

In the end a psychopath being turned, is that accepted? Or should Dexter, in very simple words, be dead? Who is to be held responsible for framing Doakes or for LaGuerta’s death? Has our loyalty to the series slapped us in the face? Or is this the best conclusion possible? Well its solely left for us to determine. For me still the wrong Morgan died that day!

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