With the big success of the systematic conduction of the NTA CSIR NET 2019 exam by the National Testing Agency, in different parts of the country expect Meghalaya and Assam also carry relief to students and their administrators. The examination was carried on December 15, 2019. And the Answer Key 2019 is assumed to publish soon by the Agency.
Around 274345 candidates performed in CSIR NET 2019 examination which was carried in 605 centers in 214 cities which were a really big number. The exams were in two shifts format and were Computer Based Test, CBT mode for the first time.
There were two slots first one was conducted from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and the second slot was from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. The term of the examination was for 180 minutes.
The applicants who have given the examination will have to wait for some days to download the answer key on the official site of NTA CSIR at www.csirnet.nta.nic.in .
Following the official notification, the result date is December 31, 2019. The result will be accessible on the official site of NTA and CSIR. But for estimations, the candidates will be issued with answer keys which will provide tentative ideas to the candidates.
Additionally, candidates will be allowed to check the answer key and raise objections against it. For every question they challenge, candidates will have to pay Rs 1000/- as processing charges.
NTA judgment on the challenges shall be final and the result will be declared based on final answer keys. Also, candidates shall note that any further nuisance regarding the same shall be ignored. For more related details, candidates can check the official notification and keep themselves updated through our page.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for UGC NET Exam 2019 | Admit Card, Syllabus, Result
Also read, CSIR NET 2019 Admit Card.