The final answer key for the CSIR NET 2019 exam has been released by the National Testing Agency, NTA. Candidates appeared in the CSIR NET 2019 exam can download the answer key of CSIR NET 2019 released on the official website of CSIR NET.
The CSIR NET 2019 final answer key is based on the objections raised by the candidates appeared for the examination and the CSIR NET 2019 Result would be based on the final answer keys released. The CSIR NET 2019 result is scheduled to be releasing on 14th January 2020.
Candidates appeared for the CSIR NET 2019 examination are advised to keep a check on the official website for the latest updates. The CSIR NET 2019 answer key can be downloaded from the official website or through the direct link mentioned below in this article.
The CSIR official website to get more details on the exam and download the CSIR NET 2019 final answer key is www.csirnet.nta.nic.in .
Steps to download CSIR NET 2019 Final Answer Key:
- Visit the CSIR NET official website as mentioned above.
- Click on the “CSIR NET 2019 Final Answer Key” link available on the home page.
- Enter the credentials required to download the answer key.
- Check and download the answer key.
- Save and print the answer key for future reference.
Candidates can also visit www.nta.ac.in for downloading the answer key and getting more details on the CSIR NET 2019 exam.
The direct page to download the answer key is here, Joint CSIR-UGC NET Answer Key on which result will be compiled.
The examination result got delayed as it was expected to be released by December 31, 2019 whereas it got postponed as the examination for a few centres were rescheduled.
CSIR NET 2019 Results may be released sooner or on the 14th January 2020. Keep visiting the official website of NTA or CSIR NET for more updates on the exam.
Also read, CSIR NET Answer Key 2019.