Application invited for 18 project assistant and research associate posts by CSIR NCL 2019. All eligible and interested candidates are advised to apply for these posts online on or before 10th of July 2019. Walk in interview for this recruitment drive is decided to be scheduled on 15th of July 2019. This vacancy is for 15 posts in Project Assistant and 3 posts in Research Associate. For more information, log on to the official website, http://www.ncl-india.org/.
Intersted candidates should have M. Sc degree in Organic Chemistry with 55% or above marks for the post of Project Assistants. For the post of Research associates, candidates should have a PhD degree in Chemistry. For Project assistant post, the age should not be more than 30 years and for Research associate, the age limit is 35 years. Expected salary for project assistant is Rs. 25000 per month and for research associate, it is Rs. 36000 per month. All Interested and eligible candidates are advised to send their application through email to Dr. Rajesh G.Gonnade ([email protected]) in the prescribed format before 10th of July 2019.