The ministry of defense has invited applications from candidates for Combined Recruitment for –
- 223 Advance Base Ordnance Depot,
- 17 Field Ammunition Depot and
- 23 Field Ammunition Depot.
The enthusiastic candidates can send their application to Commandant, 23 Field Ammunition Depot, PIN-909723, C/o 56 APO by Ordinary or Registered or Speed post within 21 days from the date of publication.
Vacancy details
- Junior Office Assistant I.e. Erstwhile LDC – 2 Posts
- Tradesmen Mate i.e. Erstwhile Mazdoor – 62 Posts
- MTS i.e. Erstwhile Safaiwala – 35 Posts
- Firemen i.e. Male Candidates Only – 9 Posts
Age Limit:
For call the post the candidate shall fall under following the bifurcation of caste such as for General category the age limit should be between 18 to 25 Years for SC the age limit should be18 to 30 Years and for OBC the age limit should be 18 to 28 Years respectively.
The official website to get more details on the recruitment is http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/ .
Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification
- Junior Office Assistant –
The candidate must have an HSC class or equivalent from the acknowledged University respectively.
- Tradesmen Mate –
The candidate must have cleared10th class or equivalent from the recognized University respectively.
- MTS –
The candidate should be cleared 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University respectively.
- Firemen
The candidate should be cleared 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University. Additionally, note that only male candidates shall be considered for this post.
Selection Procedure
The selection procedure shall be based on Physical Endurance / Skill Test and Written Test.
How to apply?
The interested candidates can apply to the post in the preferred format and send the application along with other required documents to the address mentioned in the notification.
To the Commandant, 23 Field Ammunition Depot, Pin code 909723, C/o 56 APO with the name of the post applying for. The candidate shall use any mode mention above.
For extra details check the notification and stay updated through our page.
Also read, Indian Army Recruitment 2020.