Hi All,

It’s my first article for PG….I am not really sure whether I am sharing it on right place or not (in an anecdote from my life)..Please go through it patiently and do tell me your important view on it.

It’s time to discuss the title of the post “Cogito Ergo Sum”, it simply means “I think therefore i am.” it seems to small lines but definitely it’s very deep in meaning.

I firmly believe that much of our life happens between our two eyes. Go to sleep; the world vanishes.Open the eyes;there is the entire world to see. Expand knowledge; the world will enlarge for u, and for the constraint mind with ritual, prejudice, vanity etc; the world becomes a difficult place even to breath. When u fall in love; the world becomes a lovelier place (u want to see everything with love,heart). When u hate somebody; ur all emotion see d world with detestable eyes and deeds demands action.

Let me talk about winning & losing….

Win something(I) have wait for;the world shows excellent promise to u. Lose something (I) have; the world is doomed. Go to a place where (I) want to be; world is heaven. Get stuck up in a wrong place; world is hell.

When I’m d boss, I m d power. When I’m subordinate, power is bullshit. When I’m child, I want parents to understand. When I’m parent, I wish children understood me.

Basically what I want to speak is: I see myself in terms of what I can be. Doesn’t matter if other judge me by what I’m. I see myself through my eyes, i see others also through my eyes. I remember what I speak, not what others speak because, at the very least, there is an “I” who is doing the thinking. Now i can simply say

” The world begins when i wake up from sleep. The world shuts when i go to sleep”

or in other words i can explain the phenomena as what u actually allowed to think yourself to go or not to go in a certain way, No one can force u, No one can convince u, until and unless it’s u who want to change the way.

I hope I’m coherent with my thoughts, hopefully it may makes sense simply I want to end up with those line it’s ABSOLUTELY I,” I think therefore I am”.


Arpan Maheshwari ?

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