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CMAT 2014: Tips & Mocks

CMAT is an online computer-based test conducted by AICTE for admission in all management programs approved by AICTE.

Test Pattern

The duration of exam will be 3 hours.

FREE MOCK CMAT by IFIM. Click here to download.

Tips for CMAT February 2014

– Clear all your basic concepts. Make short notes while going through these concepts (like flash cards). Use these cards for quick revision before the exam.

– The ideal break-up to score more than 300 marks is: quantitative techniques and data interpretation section (90+), logical reasoning (90+), language comprehension (70+), general awareness (50+).

– Take as many mock tests as you can. Target to take at least one test a day and then analyze the results. Check if you are improving in the sections you are working on and at the same time not lagging behind in your strength areas. Formulate your strategy accordingly.

Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation

– Revise basic mathematical concepts.

– Practice your calculation and approximation skills.

– Emphasize on accuracy as time is not much of a constraint in CMAT. You will not require more than 15 minutes to attempt 25 questions on general awareness and hence you will be left with more than 165 minutes for the remaining 75 questions.

– Important topics for QT and DI include Averages, Probability, Divisibility, Numbers, Equations, Functions, Simple Interest, Geometry, Statistics, Tables, Line Charts, Pie Charts and Data Sufficiency

– Breakup of questions in the section in Feb 2013 was

Logical Reasoning

-Prepare on all the reasoning topics like linear arrangement, circular arrangement, selections, distribution puzzles, comparisons, binary logic, cubes, Venn diagrams, deductions and connectives.

-Do not assume any information; limit yourself to data provided in the question.

-Read everything carefully. Do not miss out the lines below the diagram.

-Pay close attention to key words and improve your calculation speed.

-Breakup of questions in the section in Feb 2013 was

Language Comprehension

-Critical reasoning tends to be a major test area in Language Comprehension, at varying levels of difficulty. So, revise concepts pertaining to critical reasoning (especially on identifying argument structure and argument elements, and inference-based questions).

-Choices in Language Comprehension tend to be close. Please read carefully and analyze the content before you arrive at an answer.

-In February 2013, CMAT, the section was quite easy with most questions from RC and Critical reasoning. There were about 11 questions from the passages, which were small and easy to comprehend. The questions were of the following types:

-Discussing the main idea of the passage

-Tone of the author, Title of the passage

-In Critical Reasoning area, the questions were based on argument elements such as which option supports the argument/weakens the argument, what could be implied from passage, which argument concludes the passage correctly. Other important areas were FIJ, Sentence completion, Synonyms and Antonyms.

General Awareness

-Read newspapers, magazines and current affairs for scoring in General Awareness section. Buy a good general knowledge yearbook.

-Typically questions are from politics, science and technology, entertainment, sports and a few questions on History as well.

-It is a good idea to go through few last year papers for static questions.


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