Whenever you go out for shopping, you often find yourself in a situation when the bill flicker an odd number amount and you’ll have something like multiple of ten in your pocket. How much you love your penchant towards that paper note, you’ll always end with the circular metal disks, a.k.a coins. Someone has truly said, ‘change’ is inevitable. Whether you go in a big five start hotel or on a banal bus journey, you will always get some change or have to give some. But, there is an optimistic turn to it. “Changes make bills!”. How much you curse those cents, pennies and rupee coins, they join to form a bigger note. So, accept the change as it is inevitable. You never know when one will be useful in the hour of trial, in even and odds and specially while traveling in a local bus. Brace the change, save it for winter, summer and rains. In the ever erudite voice of Mohanlal, the bus conductor, “Thou should bring the change, Thou should travel only after”.
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