CGPSC conducts examinations for the appointments in the state. They also advise the state government on all matters related with the state civil service, matters related with the eligibility, transfer and promotion of the civil servants, matters related with monetary benefits and compensation to the civil servant by the state government.
CGPSC has invited candidates for various positions. The details of these vacancies are as
Post No. of vacancies Remuneration Maximum age limit
(in Rs. per month) (as on 01-01-2015)
Psychiatrists Experts 20 15,600 – 39,100 + G.P. 6,600/- 40
Dental Surgeons 72 15,600 – 39,100 + G.P. 5,400/- 40
Veterinary Assistants 81 15,600 – 39,100 + G.P. 5,400/- 30
How to
Last date of
For Psychiatrist experts & dental
For Veterinary
For further details, refer to the official notification.