The Central Board of Secondary education has announced that the practical exam for standard 10th and standard 12th will begin on January 1, 2020. The last date of the practical examination will be on February 7, 2020. No student can be absent during the practical examination. There should be compulsory 100 % attendance on the date of the practical examination.
The practical exam will be conducted in the student’s school. The exam will be conducted in such a way that it will be monitored by both the external examiner and internal examiner. The external examiner will be appointed by the board members of the school. The external examiner will be the one to evaluate the performance and conduct the viva voce fat the end of the practical examination.
The practical examination will be conducted in batches. Each batch will consist of almost 20 to 25 students. It is compulsory that on 1 day at least 2 batches of students should have completed their practical examination.
The official website to get more details on the official notification released is http://cbse.nic.in/ .
An announcement was made by the central board of secondary education that from 2019 the private candidates will not be attending the practical examination. Until last year the private candidates were attending the practical along with the other candidates and that practice will be stopped from this year onwards. The 10th standard private student will be appearing for the practical exam in 2019 but their marks will be included for the board examination 2020 and it will not be considered as 2019 practical examination marks.
For the class 12 private students the practical marks which needs to awarded will be given on the basis of the marks that they have scored in the Theory subjects. The results of the practical exam will be available in the official website of the CBSE board.
Also read, CBSE Class 12th Biology Sample Question Paper.