As every year the Board examinations for class 10 and class 12 of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will be held in the months of February and March 2020.
However, the official date sheet for the examinations has not been released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and is expected to be released online through its official website in the month of December 2019.
There have been many changes made in the examination pattern for both class 10 and class 12 Board examinations. Students appearing for the class 10 Board examinations this year can expect the official examination date sheet in December 2019 as the date sheet for last year was also released in the month of December.
Until then, we have mentioned the examination pattern for Social Sciences paper and also mentioned some preparation tips that can help the students during their preparation.
The Social Sciences examination pattern mentioned below helps students analyse the type of questions asked, overall exam pattern, and have a better understanding of the important topics.
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Exam Pattern
The Social Science paper of the class 10 Board examinations comprises a total of 35 questions divided across three sections. The total duration for the examination is three hours, and the total weightage is for 80 marks. The three sections are mentioned below
Section A: Very Short Answer Questions
A total of 20 objective type questions will be asked in this section, and each question carries one mark.
Section B: Short Answer Questions
A total of seven questions will be asked, and each question carries 3 marks in this section. The word limit for each answer is 80 words.
Section C: Long Answer Questions
A total of five questions will be asked in this section, and the word count for each answer should not exceed 120 words. Each question carries 5 marks in this section.
Map-based Question
The questions asked in the Social Science Paper are a map-skills based question that carries 6 marks. The section has two questions, one from history that carries 2 marks and one from the geography that carries 4 marks.
CBSE 10th Board Examinations Social Science 2020: Preparation Tips
- Solve practice papers/ mock tests: Students are advised to solve at least one previous year paper/ mock test every day and increase the number of mock tests eventually. This will help build the confidence required to attempt the paper.
- Read all subjects and topics: Students should complete their preparation in all four subjects Geography, Economics, Civics and History. Students should cover all the topics from the above-mentioned subjects.
- Analyse the mock test results: While solving the mock test and previous year papers, try to analyse your week areas once you have solved them. This will help you understand the weak areas and help you focus better on those particular areas.
- Go through the short summary: Should start reading the summary points mentioned after each topic as they may be very helpful in solving the first section of the paper.