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Last Minute Tips for CAT 2019

CAT 2019 Preparation Strategy

CAT 2019 Preparation Strategy

It is T minus 30, and if you are going to appear for CAT, make the most of this countdown. Remember, we can help you with the skeleton, but you must give it your blood, muscle and sweat. Let’s take it from the top.

You read the right word, “fun”, now let’s find out how.

Just like you would need to fine-tune your driving skills before taking to the road, the CAT prep is entirely about fine-tuning your mind. How? Regularity in activities which are enjoyable and informative at the same time.

Dedicate a timetable, whether daily or weekly to keep solving Rubik’s Cube, crosswords and Sudoku. Ensure that you are reading the editorials along with the headlines and know about Kremer as much about Banerjee! Here are some other useful pointers:

CAT Admit Card 2019

The CAT exam tests your aptitude, which develops over time. Remember, it is not a crash diet where you will lose 30 kgs in 30 days! Believing that you have prepared yourself well, the last month should be to enjoy the ride now.

You have a fair grip over numbers, language is a mode of expression, and critical thinking is your second nature. The questions will only refresh your skills in these areas, so tail off the fears and rocket towards the solution!

To keep things in one place here’s providing you with the sketch of the CAT exam:

The question paper consists of 200 multiple choice questions divided into 5 sections.

Section No of Questions Time
Reading Comprehension 40 30
Mathematics 40 40
Data Interpretation and Analysis 40 35
Critical Reasoning 40 30
Indian and Global Environment 40 15
Total 200 150

Another crucial tenet to keep in mind before you plunge into the countdown is to know your strengths and weaknesses well. Your daily timetable should encompass balanced revision covering these two sections. Dedicate more to the weak sections and time yourself for your strong sections.

Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for CAT 2019 Admit Card Released – PaGaLGuY 

In this age of Google answers, don’t forget to maximize the use of screen time:

Now that the dos are covered, let us walk through some crucial Don’ts:

This is the only way you can breeze into the CAT countdown! With the necessary lifestyle change, you can achieve lifelong success. And, do not become paranoid and not turn up at the exam centre. If you don’t buy a lottery ticket, what are your chances of winning?

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