The Common Admission Test, CAT 2019 admit card will be releasing tomorrow. The admit card to be released on the official website. Candidates applied for this exam can download the admit card through the official website of CAT.
The CAT 2019 exam will get organized by the IIM Kozhikode. The exam will be on 24th November 2019. The admit card for the CAT 2019 exam will be released on the official website of CAT on 23rd October 2019.
There will not be any email intimation sent to the candidates regarding the release of the admit card. Candidates must download their respective admit cards through the official websites only. Candidates are advised to download their admit card at the earliest so that there will not be any last-minute hassle.
CAT Admit Card 2019 Released
The official web link through which the applicants can verify and download their admit card for CAT 2019 is www.iimcat.ac.in .
Steps to download CAT 2019 Admit Card:
- Visit the official website of CAT as mentioned above.
- Click on the “CAT 2019 Admit Card” link.
- Enter the credentials to log in.
- Check and download the admit card 2019.
- For further use, take a print of the CAT 2019 to admit card.
The CAT 2019 admit card would be released at 5 pm on 23rd October 2019 as per the notification released on the official weblink of CAT. After downloading the admit card, candidates must check the details mentioned carefully because any discrepancy in the details may lead troubles to the candidate’s entry to the examination hall.
The admit card will contain related examination details too. The exam will be held in two different slots, morning and afternoon on 24th November 2019. Candidates can stay updated with other applicants through our Group, CAT 2019 Result | Score | Percentile – PaGaLGuY.