The notification regarding the dates of the Steno Examination has been officially released by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission on 3rd September 2019. This notification pertains to the written examination for filling the posts of stenographers in Bihar.
The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) announced the vacancy of a total of 326 posts for the position of a stenographer. The application process for selection began earlier this earlier and will go on till the month of April.
The official date for the steno exam by BSSC is the 17th November 2019 which will take place in Bihar itself. More specifically, the exams are scheduled to take place across various examination centres in Patna.
With only two months at hand for preparation, students should ensure vigorous preparation for the examination. The examination takes place in a written format. Those appearing for the examination must be prepared with the following topics –
- General studies
- Current affairs
- India and its neighbouring countries
- General Science and Mathematics
- Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography
- Mathematics
- Mental Ability Test
- Verbal
- Non-Verbal
The BSSC released the official syllabus of the examination on its website on the day as the announcement of the exam dates. Candidates are advised to download the full syllabus from the website for a better understanding of the topics they should be thorough in order to clear the examination.
Only those individuals are eligible for the steno exam who have at least cleared their class 12 examination under any board of examination.
The dates of the admit card release are not yet out but is expected to be out by the beginning of November. The candidates who have registered must keep a close eye for these dates. The applicants can also download the admit card from the official website of the BSSC. You can have knowledge about the process of downloading the admit card beforehand. It will entail the following steps –
- Visit the official website, bssc.bih.nic.in
- There will be the relevant link flashing on the homepage. Click on the link.
- Fill in the required details, which include –
- Registration number as username
- Date of birth as password
- A captcha, if asked for.
- Then select ‘submit’.
- You will now have your Admit Card on screen.
- Download and print your admit card.
The selection of the candidates will be based on the marks obtained by them in this written steno examination. Thus, the goal of the candidates should be answering all the questions correctly to obtain the highest marks possible.