Bihar School Education Board is the official education board of the state of Bihar. It is the responsibility of the Bihar School Education Board to conduct the board examinations for Class 10th and Class 12th students in the schools affiliated with it.
With the examination season around the corner, students are busy in their preparations. The examination dates for the class 12th board exams have already been announced by the Bihar School Education Board.
As per the information shared on the official website @ www.bsebinteredu.in, the exams for the class 12th will start from 3rd February 2020 and will continue till 13th February 2020.
After the announcement of the examination dates, students of class 12th have been eagerly waiting for the release of the admit card for BSEB Class 12th Exams 2020. Now there is an extremely important bit of information for the students.
According to the official notification published by BSEB, the BSEB Class 12th Admit Card 2020 has been released on the official website. Students must therefore log-on to the official website as soon as possible and download their admit cards right away.
It is pertinent to mention that the students must download the admit card and take a printout as it will be required to be produced on the day of the examination. Otherwise, the students will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
The BSEB Class 12th Admit Card 2020 has been released only for those candidates who have cleared all their dues. Those students who have not yet cleared their dues have been given an opportunity to clear their dues between 14th January 2020 and 23rd January 2020.
Bihar School Education Board has activated the online portal for the students to clear their dues before the due date. After 23rd January, students will not get another chance to clear their dues and will therefore not be able to appear for the BSEB Class 12th Exams 2020.
Those students who will clear their pending dues by 23rd January will be able to download their admit cards from the official website of the Bihar School Education Board.
Question: Which is the official website to download the BSEB Class 12th Admit Card 2020?
Answer: official website is www.bsebinteredu.in.
Question: When are the class 12th exams being conducted by BSEB?
Answer: class 12th exams will be conducted by BSEB between 3rd February 2020 to 12th February 2020.
Question: Which is the last date for the students to clear their dues towards BSEB?
Answer: who have not yet paid their dues can pay their dues latest by 23rd January 2020 and then download their admit card.
Question: When will the admit cards for class 12th board exams be released by BSEB?
Answer: admit cards have already been released by BSEB.