Everyone ought to face embarrassment once in a while. Even I did face one when I was in my X std. I was half as lethargic in school compared to now. I used to bunk the drill exercises most of the time and on one occasion the school management organised a yoga session by some GURUJI in the school auditorium. Just to save myself from the drill exercises in the scorching sun I attended the session. It started well. I found the session interesting, we are made to do some asanas like Aekpaadprasarnaasana (equestrian pose), Anjaneyaasana , Akarna Dhanurasana(bow) and a few other asanas. After performing the asanas and when the clock ticked 3 GURUJI announced that he is going to wind up the session with Savasana (lying like a corpse) after 15 min.

I found this Śavāsana to be very interesting so that i can happily sleep for few moments in my boring school and closed my eyes

and when I opened them back after few moments I remember some of my teachers standing by me and all the students were gaping at me ,I was wondering am i sleeping there naked or what??? After a few moments of escalated suspense I looked into my watch and found it to be 3.30 pm. I rubbed my eyes and still found it to be 3.30 pm. Now I realized that when everyone ended their Śavāsana at 3.15 pm, I still continued to do it for an extra 15 minutes.

I found myself to be embarrassed and the hilarious part of the story is after my moments of embarrassment GURUJI proudly announced that I was the only one who understood the real essence and meaning of YOGA because I was not perturbed by the school siren indicating the end of the session. Meanwhile my head which was looking down in embarrassment started to look at everyone with a cheeky smile especially at my close pals who were clapping reluctantly with a WTF expression on their face. A few moments earlier what I expected to be a humiliation before entire crowd turned out to be a praise from everyone in no time.

P.S: Savasana is my favorite yogasana till date though I never did any yoga after that incident.

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