CAT (Common Admission Test) is conducted by a different IIM, once every year. Many private colleges and universities also admit students based on these scores.
With tricky questions, logical reasoning, verbal capability and other skills of the candidates are tested, thus, allowing only the well-deserved applicants to join MBA programmes.
Since CAT demands a core dedication and determination in the applied candidates, candidates often spend hours in polishing their skills before the final examination. MBA experts believe that the correct choice of books can help any candidate score good ranks in the CAT examination.
Preparation books are the key resources essential for knowing the most reliable and correct information. Moreover, amongst the wide variety of preparation books and guides available easily, candidates often fail to opt for the most accurate source of information.
Therefore, it is vital to know about the best preparation books for CAT and how to grab different studying material for CAT 2020.
About CAT
The Common Admission Test is conducted every year for the selection of deserving candidates into an MBA programme. The test is conducted in a computer-based mode allowing further admission into prestigious b-schools.
The test is conducted by the Indian Institute of Management annually through a rotational allotment system.
CAT 2020 Test Format
CAT examination is the pathway for entirely some of the most notable MBA institutions in the country. With a holistic approach, the examination has been designed to test the different abilities of the candidates.
The scores achieved in the test are further utilised in the selection procedure of different MBA programmes and institutions. Moreover, candidates need to analyse different sections asked in the paper and be well aware of the test format. This would enable them to prepare and study accordingly.
The CAT 2020 exam format is divided into 3 distinct sections, namely, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Ability.
Every section has been allotted a separate duration along with a different number of questions. The following table indicates the CAT 2020 test format.
Sectional Topics | Total Number of Questions | Questions with Negative marking | Question with no Negative marking |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension | 34 | 24-27 | 7-10 |
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning | 32 | 24 | 8 |
Quantitative Ability | 34 | 23-27 | 7-10 |
Total | 100 | 70-76 | 22-28 |
Every section is allotted 60 minutes each for attempting all the questions. Therefore, the total number of questions is 100. Every section has a different set of question along with a different marking.
The candidates must be well-aware of the test pattern and the possible questions which can be asked. Preparing for the CAT examination is undoubtedly tough. Therefore, the following books can be referred to for making a preparation strategy.
CAT 2020 Books- Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
S No | Book Title | Author | Description |
1 | How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT (Common Admission Test) |
DI and LR cover vast topics and subjects. Therefore, with the help of comprehensive questions and learning tips, aspirants can strengthen their critical thinking abilities and score good marks in this section. |
2 | How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT Common Admission Test | Arun Sharma | Logical and Critical thinking questions often trick candidates, thus, forcing them to lose marks. Therefore, with this book, aspirants can sharpen their logical reasoning abilities through quick tips and practice questions. |
3 | Pearson Guide to Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT and Other MBA Entrance Examination |
For candidates looking to improve Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning abilities, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of related topics and subject. Therefore, it is a must-have in the list of preparatory books of the aspirants. |
CAT 2020 Books- Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
S No | Book Title | Author | Description |
1 | Barron’s Pocket Guide to Vocabulary | Barron | Barron’s guide is a must-have for CAT aspirants. The guide helps in polishing reading comprehension abilities as well as grammar analysis. A candidate can improve his ability to solve comprehension-based passages through quick steps |
2 | Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis | The content offers insightful word along with their meaning for a better understanding. It is a must for candidates who wish to improve their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge through simple passages and content |
3 | How to Prepare for the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay (Tata McGraw-Hill) | Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay | A book is a great option for preparing the previous year’s question with the help of quick tips and learning. Moreover, a candidate can learn to solve passages within a limited time duration. |
4 | Wiley ExamXpert Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension | Capt. AK Kalia | The book is equipped with learning tips for multiple topics related to grammar and comprehension. The candidates can strengthen their strategies for solving comprehensions based on the insightful learning and knowledge offered in the book. |
5 | General English eBook for Competitive Exam |
This e-book can enhance the English language and grammar skills of the candidates through quick exercises based on sentence arrangement, grammar usage, word meanings, vocabulary and other similar topics. |
CAT 2020 Books- Quantitative Ability
S No | Book Title | Author | Description |
1 | The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation | Nishit Sinha | Sinha holds more than 10-year experience in the quantitative aptitude studies; therefore, this book is a must for candidates who fear QA questions. The book is regularly updated with additional revisions, questions, test papers and much more. |
2 | Quantum CAT | Sarvesh K Verma | Quantum CAT has been receiving great reviews for preparators recently. The book is well equipped with quality content, model papers, relevant information and much more. |
3 | How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT | Arun Sharma | The book is designed with a systematic learning approach and an insightful view of all the relevant topics ever featured in CAT. Moreover, the book is a bestseller too. |
4 | Mathematics Formula & Shortcuts eBook |
The e-book comprises of tricks, shortcuts, formulas, etc. which should be at the tips of the applicant. The e-book will be best for polishing time management skills. |
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