Here is my brief Intro .
I born & bred in a lower middle class family . My father, a primary school teacher & my mother is a home maker .I have done my schooling from a Govt. school in southern ODISHA .After completed my schooling, I enrolled for a 3yr diploma program in mechanical engg. since from my childhood I love mathematics & equations . I hv a strong desire to know about the machines we come across day to day life .After being completed my diploma in mechanical engg in 2007 ,I took a year off for my BTECH preparation .I made in to top 20 & taken admission in a good engg college in odisha .
After being graduated from a descent engg college in 2010 , then I never know what am I suppose to do . I dropped the TCS offer that year . I h’v planned myself to prepare better for this prestigious exam CAT . On that year I just scored a pretty descent percentile 55.5 . After being disappointed by my performance ,my parents they encourage me to write it again .Again 2011 I wrote the exam .My percentile is a bit improved to 77 .
During these two years of preparation ,I learned a lot . My spoken skills are improved .I tried to improve my vocabs . I am not a good student in the entire class ,while I am in IMS . One fine day what happened ,I am late for my English class . usually I dn’t like English classes . she teach RC & the entire stuff is pretty boring . There are two pretty beautiful girls are sitting on back . Usually I sit on the back bench ,so that I can cheat . I sit next to the girls .They are so smart .
Then miss sujata comes with the usually RC practice sheets & Distribute the sheets to us . My gosh again these boring stuff . I opened the sheet ,there is a word named “MUSK” .I didn’t get the meaning . I asked the girl who’s sitting next to me named piya . she’s so arrogant . she at first gimme a staring look ,Den she laugh at me . I felt a bit ashamed of . But the girl who’s sitting next to piya ,she gimme a friendly smile told me the meaning of the word . After my class got over I asked her name & exchanged her no & she is the beautiful girl in the entire class.
I never ever saw such a beautiful girl ever before . she is pretty descent . On friendship day , she asked me to join with her in a pub.I never ever drink & smoke before . Even if my friends force me ,But I never did . she was der with her friends piyaa & pragya . I shook my hand & then she asked me to join on the dance floor . My gosh my dance was so horrible . that night was beautiful .
I never ever enjoyed like this before .At first I h’v a lot of friends ,most of them are boys though I belong to mechanical branch .On the very next day I thought that would be better ,if i would give a friendship card to her through piya . Piya is a bit annoyed, while I asked her . So I planned my self to give a card . I went to the archies store & purchase a beautiful friendship card & in hurry I drive back to attend the lectures @IMS .
Sadly she was not there & she was interviewed for TCS & got selected . I talked tp her through phone .she asked me to wait till she come back to odisha .
In the mean time my cat 12 exam was ahead . Only one month left for the dead line . I want to be honest here ,On 2012 I didn’t study hard . In one month I tried my level best .In the end I am only able to score a descent 78% . After the exam results are out ,I feel disappointed , I cried on the whole night .if i could h’v studied hard , so that I would hv score more . But once again scoring 95% was a dream for me . By the time I talked to neha ,girl from IMS , she got selected for NYU . I am happy for her . But a a lot changed during this year . she got a new friend who was studying that time @IIM B . that guy also had an offer form BCG .
After the entire episode I h’v planned to move back to Bangalore . Again to prepare myself better & also to find a job . This year I didn’t even contact to my closed ones .I studied hard . I scored 78.8% in total . In maths I scored 95.5& in VA 38.8 % . I can’t even able to believe my score .Again I broken in to tears . people during preparation stage they told me you are an ODIA medium guy , English will be tough for you . On the eve I called my mother , to quit my preparation .I told her I am tired . I d’nt h’v a job . Again I ma not going to depend upon you for one more year . she advised me ,”Don’t give up . just work hard .No matter where you are from your dreams are valid ,”.

Miss her .

Few of the people wrote an online petition to know their raw scores ,who r suffered the most like me . I asked a lot of students ,who r studying in the IIMS ,they told me nothing is going to happen ,prepare u’r self much better for next year .
Again I packed my bag to my home town ,to look after my parents . I feel they are needing me now . My paa is a tough guy .My mom she is also being supportive to me . People loved me either my friends during graduations , My parents , that girl from IMS . But I loose her because during these preparation days ,I never did contact her . I d’nt wanna loose my parents .I h’v done a mistake ,I dn’t wanna repeat it again .