The Office of the Director-General, Assam Rifles has released the result for the appointment for Assam Rifles Technical Tradesman DV position. Those candidates who had appeared in the DV/Medical round for Assam Rifles Technical Tradesman posts can review their results from the official website of Assam Rifles – assamrifles.gov.in.
The Candidates have been selected based on their performance in the Trade Skill test/Document verification/Detailed Medical Verification. As Per the short notification issued by the Assam Rifles, the selected candidates will have to reach with the original documents to the venue mentioned in the notification.
Also note that earlier Office of the Director-General, Assam Rifles had issued the job notification for Group B and Group C Posts in the department. And the total of 749 vacancies was notified in the rank of Rifleman, Havildar, Naib Subedar, Warrant Officer.
Steps to download the Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman 2019 Result:
- Go to the official website, i.e. https://www.assamrifles.gov.in/.
- And in the WHAT’S NEW section on the Main Page.
- Select on the link PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES OF AR TECH &TDN RECT RALLY 2018-2019 given on the Main Page.
- Once a New Window will open where you will get the desired PDF of the Result
- You can take Print Out of the desired result and save a copy for future reference.
The official notification can be found from here, https://www.assamrifles.gov.in/DOCS.pdf .
Candidates are requested to carry all the documents in original at the venue mentioned in the notification. Also please consider that candidates must note that Assam Rifle has sent appointment letters for the candidates who have qualified in the Document Verification.
We wish all the best for qualified candidates.