The Mayans might have failed to keep their commitment but we shall not (fail to…, that is)! Four winners have been chosen among the 127 entries that made the cut. Hyderabadians (Hydies?) seem to be dominating the winners list this time. Clap your hands for the winners of the Best B-School Photography Contest 2012.
Each winning entry is followed by some comments and feedback from the contest jusdge and ace photographer Chirodeep Chaudhuri.
The photographs have been judged for the skill and thought involved in shooting the theme of the contest: The Architecture of your B-school. While we received several entries for the contest, many did not even make the first cut because they did not adhere to the theme.
Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad – By Vipul Agarwal
Shot using a Canon 1000D
What the judge says: The photographer here has managed to achieve a combination of things – highlight unique aesthetic elements like the designs of the windows, indicate a sense of scale by choosing this particular point of view (and here it is also important to note the inclusion of the plants in the foreground which accentuate the feeling of depth as does the framing of the building using the horizontal beams of the buildings structure which lends this image its wonderful graphic quality. I also think in terms of pure photography, it was a wonderful decision to shoot, not in daylight, but after sundown thereby bringing into play the lighting inside the building to highlight the design of the windows. The inclusion of the moon, may have been providential but is a delightful detail elevating the picture, for me, to the very top of the heap and the winner of the competition. I would imagine this is a picture the architect would be proud of as well.
Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad – By Bharath Chavali
Shot using a SONY DSC-W360
Judges take: This is a picture that appeals to me is because of the depth achieved and this is really thanks to the position chosen by the photographer to place his camera. And it seems very carefully done, as is evident from the position of the door in the picture, which thankfully, doesnt get even partially blocked by the curved staircase descending from the top right corner. The blue cast adds to the mood of the picture but I am not so sure if this was a totally conscious choice or a mistaken white balance setting… whatever it is, it works here.
Department of Management Studies, NIT Tiruchirappalli – By S B Saravana Bharathi
Shot using a SONY DSC-W610
Judges take: I like this image because of the care with which it has been constructed. Everything about it seems deliberate – the timing of the picture (either early morning or around dusk), the choice of the low point of view which blocks off an ugly horizon, perhaps, apart from creating the drama, the choice of subject (this part of the building with the white parapet and the brick coloured stone flooring), the position of the gutter opening (at the bottom left) and including just 3 of the cuts in the parapet wall and finally the person in the red t-shirt.
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Rohtak – By Varun Kassana
Shot using a Canon 550D
Judges take: This picture would have remained just an ordinary picture but has been elevated into one which deserved a second look simply because of the resting arm of the person looking down from the terrace at the scene below. As a judge, one may occasionally need to play the role like that of a forensic scientist trying to read clues and understand the provocations. To me, this seems like a very conscious decision to include this element (the hand), possibly to create this sense of depth by placing something in the foreground. I further felt that this is something done consciously because otherwise the contestant would not have entered this if he didnt think there was something to show off here by way of an application of the mind. Its a smart set of choices which also indicated to me that the contestant was trying to think using the language of the camera.
(Incidentally, an IIM Rohtak student was among the winners last year as well, and the model used in the winning picture was Varun Kassana, this years winner!)
Kudos to all the winners! You guys have done a fab job! Flipkart gift vouchers worth Rs 5,500 will reach your mailbox very soon!
Here are some more awesome clicks from all the entries sent to us. Although they did not get a prize, they almost made the cut.

PaGaLGuY is grateful to our contest judge Chirodeep Chaudhuri who took time out of his busy schedule to judge the contest! You can look up his work here!
We are also thankful to all of you who participated in the contest! It is only because of you guys that the contest was successful! Three cheers to all you Puys who sent in entries!