The Anna University has recently released the admit card for the arrear examinations of r-2015 and r-2017 for part-time Undergraduate courses that are scheduled to be conducted in the months of November and December 2019. The candidates appearing for the examinations can download the admit card by visiting the official website of the University.
The part-time students of the R-2015 and R-2017 batch that could not clear the examinations have a chance to qualify now through the arrear examination.
The University has also released the Under Graduate Time Table Nov/ Dec Examinations 2019 for part-time and full-time programs. The time table is released campus wise and semester wise on the official website. Candidates appearing for the Under Graduate Examinations, both regular and arrear can download the time table online by visiting the official website of the University.
While students need to enter the Registration Number and Password to download the admit card, none of those are required to download the time table for the Under Graduate Nov/ Dec Examinations 2019. The admit card comprises of the important information related to the examination such as the subjects appearing, subject codes, date, and venue of the examination, the full name of the candidate, etc.
Candidates should note that the admit card is a mandatory document that has to be carried to appear for the arrear examinations scheduled in November and December 2019. Candidates failing to fo so will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
The candidates should also note that any physical copy of the admit card will not be sent to the candidates by the Anna University via post. It is the candidate’s responsibility to download and print the admit card that has to be carried along with a valid photo ID to the examination center on the day of the examination.
Anna University Arrears Examination 2019: How to download the admit card
Candidates that have applied to appear for the arrear examinations that are scheduled to be conducted in November-December 2019 for the R-205 and R-2017 batch can visit the official website of the University to download the admit card.
The candidates need to enter the Registration Number and Password to view and download their respective admit cards. The stepwise instructions to download the arrears examination hall ticket are mentioned below.
Step 1: Visit the official website of the University: acoe.annauniv.edu
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the scrolling link ‘Click Here to Download arrear Hall Ticket for Nov/ Dec 2019 pre-R-2015 and R-2017 (UG Part-Time)’
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new webpage where you need to enter the required details
Step 4: Enter the Application Number, Password and click ‘Login’ to proceed further
Step 5: Your arrear examinations 2019 hall ticket will be displayed on the screen, download and take 2-3 printouts as it is a mandatory document to carry on the examination date