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An Imperfect Life

It was on the eve of my IIFT exam that i got a chance to explore the darker side of my life. Standing 5 feet 10 inches tall, i had a premonition that the exam would be a hell of a ride. With a view of moonlight and started smoking milds.

”Influenced by the music, these voices speak to me through my headphones”

This was the thought that was going through my mind after i started listening to Gothic Bands and was heavily under their influence. View resembled a violent evening, Haven’t seen sun all day and the day is about to end. Looks like the sun was kicked out of sky by some violent clouds and the view was a blurred one with visions of darkness filling up my mind. Yet as damaging as my mistakes were, i never bothered about the consequences i had to face for my actions. I foolishly created my own path of darkness with a view that not even God would not dare to put an end to my misery. That brief premonition made me realize that my future does not lie with IIFT but it rests in some other place where i would be happy with the environment. may be the decision i took that day has an outstanding impact over the course of time and made me realize i was cold blooded after all. As the time passed on, the tobacco rolled in the paper literally burnt to ashes and i took my last puff.

Source : (That’s my BLOG :D)

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