The Allahabad Bank has published the results of the written exam conducted to recruit interested candidates for various posts under its Specialist Officers (SO) Recruitment Project 2019-20. The application process for the recruitment had begun on the 9th of April, earlier this year while the examination was held in June. The results have finally been published on the 25th of September, 2019 after quite some time of waiting.
Alongside the publication of results, the application forms for various other posts in the Special Officers category have also been released. The posts include Financial Literacy Counsellors, Second Faculty, Office Assistant and Guard. Interested candidates may visit the official website of Allahabad bank to download the application form and fill it and also to get other relevant details. The official website is allahabadbank.in.
You may also follow the steps given below to download the results of the aforementioned written exam:
- Step 1- Log on to the official website of the recruiter, which is allahabadbank.in .
- Step 2- On the home page of the website, scroll down to look for an option which reads ‘Quick links’.
- Step 3- Under the ‘Quick Links’ option, click on the ‘Career’ option.
- Step 4- You shall be directed to a new page, the heading of which should be ‘Recruitments’.
- Step 5- Under the Specialist Officers’ Recruitment Project 2019-20, you will find a hyperlink that says ‘Result of online written examination’. Click on it.
- Step 6- You won’t have to enter any details. A page with the results will automatically open. You may download it and save it for future purposes.
For accessing the application forms of the above-mentioned posts, you may follow the same steps with the exception of clicking on the hyperlink which says ‘Application Form’ instead of the one entailing the results. The cost of application forms is Rs. 600 for the applicants belonging to the General class, OBC and EWS while for those belonging to the SC/ST/ PH (Divyang) it is Rs. 100.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for Allahabad Bank SO Recruitment 2019
The total number of vacant posts under the Special Officers category is 92 with 30 posts available for the General category, 8 for the EWS, 24 for the OBC and 16 for the SC. The posts for which recruitments are done include- Security Officer, Civil Engineer, Company Secretary, Manager (Law), Manager (Fire Safety), Manager (IT Network), Manager (Equity), Manager (Security Administrator and System Administrator) and Financial Analyst among others.
The candidates should go through the eligibility criteria for each post to check if they are eligible for applying in the first place. Age limit is also a very important criterion here. The results can be downloaded easily, and there is also the provision of getting important notifications and updates on their official app.