The AIIMS Ph.D. January Admit Card 2020 is expected to be released today by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Candidates applied for this exam can download their admit card from the official website of AIIMS.
The Ph.D. examination is scheduled to be conducted on 4th January 2020. The exam will be in Delhi/NCR region at various centres. The admit card will be releasing today on 30th December 2019.
The examination will be conducted for a duration of 1 and half hour from 10 am to 11.30 am. The paper will be consisting of objective type and the number of questions will be 70. For each correct answer, candidates will score 1 mark and for an incorrect answer, minus one-third will be deducted.
The official website to get more details on the exam and download the AIIMS Ph.D. January Admit Card 2020 is www.aiimsexams.org . Candidates can download the AIIMS admit card through the official site by following these simple steps given below.
Steps to download AIIMS Ph.D. January Admit Card 2020:
- Visit the official site of AIIMS as mentioned above.
- Click on the “AIIMS Ph.D. January Admit Card 2020” link available on the home page.
- Enter the login credentials and click on login button.
- Your admit card will get displayed on the screen.
- Check and download the admit card.
- Keep a print copy of the AIIMS PhD admit card for further need.
The result is expected to get released on January 10, 2020, and the final result will be announced on January 28, 2020.
As per the official notification, the duration of the course shall be the time period from registration to submission of the thesis. The maximum period of registration must not exceed five years.
Also read, AIIMS PhD Admission 2020.