Medical students across the country face heat for a whole lot of things, right from their tight academic schedules to the assumed non-existent social life. Students aspiring to be doctors end up devoting hundreds of hours in prep to just be eligible to enroll into medical colleges. While people have their own reservations about medical students, we at PaGaLGuY got insights from students aspiring to be doctors about typical things people say. Not only do people end up saying the most condescending? things, but a lot of people end up demotivating students. So, here’s our way of telling all you medical aspirants to become thick-skinned and be prepared to face a few imbecilic things people around you will end up saying to you at some point! Check out these comebacks and let us know if you have something more to add to the discussion!
1. Oh… you must be a geek to want to be a doctor!
Well, yes, I study a lot and I don’t see why my academic choices are a matter of concern for you.
2. But you never topped your class, how will you get admission in MBBS? Management seat?

I don’t mean to scare you off, but that guy who topped my class in the 10th grade is probably off doing what he wants to and I’m preparing for what I want to do. So, could you please keep your extremely inspiring words to yourself?
3. Are your parents forcing you to do this?

Yes, there are thousands of parents across the country who force their dreams and aspirations to their children and it’s great that you have your concerns for me. But you assuming that I’ve been forced into making a decision that will impact my life drastically is not cool either.
4. You know doctors don’t make much money till their late 30’s right?

If you’d think a little harder, you’ll realise, that most people who aspire to become doctors don’t opt for this career to mint money. We could’ve rather been a sleazier version of Honey Singh to get ten times the money.
5. And if you study for so many years, when will you get married?

Now I know that the term, ‘Biological Clock’ was coined by a doctor, but really, maybe I don’t even want to be married. And if you’re anyone apart from my parents, my partner or his/her parents… then you’ve got absolutely nothing to do with matters of my marriage. As long as the buffet at the reception served good food, right?
6. Are you okay with not having a social life at all?

It’s better than being surrounded by people as nosy as yourself, no? And plus, I really do know how to manage time.
7. Wait, are you sure you can handle that much blood?

Yes!! I’m no zombie but blood and bones and flesh and skin really get me going!
8. I hope I’ll get free check-ups! That’s only if you graduate in the very first attempt

Or better, how about I give you a free consultation and a week later scare you about taking a second opinion instead? Sounds fun, doesn’t it?
9. Why don’t you travel the world for five years instead? You’ll save up on quite some money!

Because, traveling the world sure will help me touch thousands of lives, but it won’t let me heal and cure and save thousands of lives.
10. So… are you preparing for CET?

We’re in the generation of NEET examinations… looks like you’re still living in the late 2000s!