Discover the Future of Management Education with AI in an Exclusive Interview with Nitish Jain, President of SP Jain Global. Explore how AI transforms degree programmes, personalises learning, and shapes the next generation of leaders. Learn about SP Jain’s innovative collaboration with California Miramar University, the launch of AI-focused MBA and MS programmes, and the integration of AI Tutor Joshua to enhance education. Stay ahead with insights on global education trends, job opportunities, and the ethical implications of AI in academia.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally reshaping the educational landscape, streamlining processes and enhancing learning experiences. One of the most significant advantages of AI is its ability to automate routine administrative tasks, such as monitoring attendance and managing course registrations. By taking care of these functions, AI allows us to dedicate more time to high-value activities. 

AI also facilitates personalised learning, using algorithms to provide tailored recommendations that meet individual student needs. This customised approach boosts motivation and engagement, ultimately leading to improved academic performance.

The impact of AI in education is set to expand. It can streamline administrative processes, improve curriculum design, and even forecast student outcomes, enabling timely interventions by educators. This integration not only democratises access to education but also equips students for a technology-driven workforce. By embracing AI in degree programmes, we move toward a more efficient and responsive educational system that supports lifelong learning and adaptability in an ever-evolving world.

While the full impact of AI on degree education is still being explored, leading institutions like SP Jain Global are already thriving in this evolving landscape. They recently collaborated with California Miramar University to establish a USA-based campus under the SP Jain umbrella to bring Silicon Valley opportunities to aspirants. We had the chance to sit down with Nitish Jain, President of SP Jain Global, to discuss his views on the role of technology in management education, the latest developments at SP Jain, and his vision for nurturing sustainable leaders of the future. Here are the highlights for you!

Aligning the Vision for Global Management Education with California Miramar University (CMU)

I see the partnership between CMU and SP Jain Global as a valuable opportunity to enhance our curriculum and keep it cutting-edge, particularly through industry connections that can help with job placements. There are numerous avenues for collaboration. Given the current job shortage, especially in Silicon Valley, our aim is to produce job-ready graduates who can secure local employment, aligning with our mission to transform lives through education.

What we implement at CMU will be rapidly adopted across our other campuses. Innovations at one location can quickly influence others. For instance, during a recent demo, Vikram, a professor at SP Jain, suggested we explore a solution instead of incurring high costs to bring in a CMU expert from California. This exemplifies how we operate as a unified network of schools across six cities, enabling us to share and implement developments seamlessly.

Integrating Local Industry through Projects, Internships, and Guest Speakers with CMU

I envision our CMU programmes as highly practical, featuring numerous projects and significant interaction with the local industry. It’s essential for us to incorporate the advancements of the local industry into our programmes. We’ll achieve this through guest speakers, hands-on project work, and internship opportunities, including part-time work. By bringing all these elements together, I aim to provide a comprehensive, practical learning experience.

Launching MBA and MS Programmes in AI

I want to highlight our new campus in San Jose, where we’ll be offering an MBA in AI, which I believe will be our most popular programme. This MBA will focus on AI, making it highly sought after. We will also introduce an MS in AI, but we’ll be more selective with admissions for this programme since it’s designed for advanced technology professionals in the valley. While the MS in AI might not attract a large number of students, I expect it to draw high-quality candidates.

You might think there are many AI programmes in Silicon Valley, but in reality, there aren’t as many as you’d expect. We will be among the few universities offering an AI programme in this region. Our curriculum will be very practical, featuring numerous projects and significant interaction with the local industry. We will incorporate advancements from the local sector into our programmes through guest speakers, project work, internship opportunities, and part-time work. All of this will provide our students with a comprehensive practical learning experience.

The Evolution of AI Assistance: Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Education with AI Tutor Joshua

Eighteen months ago, when generative AI was just starting, most schools and universities were attempting to block AI tools like ChatGPT, viewing them as a threat. They were concerned that students would cheat, leading to negative policies aimed at restricting AI. We at SP Jain chose a different path and embraced AI, recognising it as the future. After all, when a tsunami wave comes, you can’t just stand still—you need to adapt.

In February 2023, we decided to fully embrace AI and formed a task force to explore how to effectively incorporate it into our programmes. While I’ll focus on the AI tutor, we also have numerous other relevant technologies at our disposal. Our AI tutor, Joshua, uses a Socratic method to engage students, asking questions and providing follow-ups that allow learners to progress at their own pace in a personalised manner. We’ve already started implementing it in our schools, and it’s proving to be very effective.

Some have expressed reluctance, but I believe it’s essential to focus on those who are motivated to learn. The AI tutor was designed to enhance the learning experience, especially as exams approach, when students are most eager to prepare. While we may be one of the few business schools globally to offer this technology right now, many others will eventually follow. However, by that time, we’ll have already refined our approach and gained valuable insights into using AI effectively to improve learning outcomes.

Prioritising Relevant Curriculum, AI-Enhanced Learning, and Job Opportunities

When I consider relevant curriculum, I recognise the vital role of AI technology in enhancing learning. My primary focus is on job placement, which is a major reason many Indian students choose to pursue higher education. They seek opportunities that support their educational goals. Our pricing is quite attractive—while many US universities charge up to $100,000 per year, our programme is available for just $11,000 annually.

The critical question is: how can we assist students in securing jobs? We prioritise job placements, enabling students to work while they study. This allows them to gain valuable experience not just during their education but also upon graduation. Our approach is centred on providing support throughout the entire job search process.

By offering a curriculum that integrates AI technology, we aim to enhance the learning experience. Our commitment to helping students find jobs is at the core of what we do. We are dedicated to supporting students throughout their educational journey, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future careers. This comprehensive focus on job readiness is essential to our mission.

The Ethical Implications of AI in Coursework: Preparing Students for Responsible Use

The ethical aspect is crucial in any coursework. Through our curriculum, we highlight the significant ethical issues surrounding technology. For instance, AI can be misused for harmful purposes, and we’ve seen how companies like Facebook are affected by political interference, which can easily happen with such tools. I believe it’s essential to expose students to the consequences of unethical behaviour. While we can’t completely prevent misuse, just as OpenAI can’t eliminate all unethical applications, we can educate students about these risks.

Currently, there’s a strong push for government regulation of AI, as it remains largely unregulated. Once laws are established to prohibit certain actions, we can expect better control. It’s similar to the role of a police force; without it, people might act without accountability. So, having a framework to ensure ethical behaviour is necessary.

“I believe it’s essential to choose a career path rather than just a school. The future lies in identifying sectors and job profiles that are experiencing growth. Pursuing opportunities in emerging fields will provide the greatest long-term benefits. If you settle for conventional jobs, you may find limited advancement, as those roles often lack growth potential. It’s crucial to focus on areas where growth is happening.”

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