Joint Entrance Examination, commonly called the JEE is the entrance examination for various under graduate courses in the science field. The exam, which was earlier conducted by CBSE, is now organised by the National Testing Agency. JEE Main is now a purely computer based test ever since it has come under the NTA.
JEE Main is conducted in two editions by the National Testing Agency every year, the first edition being conducted in January and the second one being conducted in April. The JEE entrance examination 2020 will soon be conducted by the NTA. The application process for it has come to an end and the candidates are awaiting the release of the admit card.
The NTA had announced the JEE Main 2020 will be conducted in the month of January, from 6th January to 11th January, 2020. With the exam a little more than a month away, the admit card for it is set to be released in the coming week. The admit card will be released on the official website of NTA. Those who have applied must make sure to download their admit card on time as it will have to be presented on the day of the exam.
JEE Main 2020
JEE Main is conducted in three languages – Hindi, English and Gujarati.
In order to download the admit card for JEE Main 2020, applicants can follow the steps given below –
- Step-1 : Visit the official website of National Testing Agency, which is https://nta.ac.in/
- Step-2 : Click on the Engineering tab on the home page. Candidates will be redirected to a new page.
- Step-3 : Then press the Downloads tab on the new page.
- Step-4 : Once the admit card is released, the relevant link will appear on the page. Click on this link.
- Step-5 : Students will have to log in with their credentials.
- Step-6 : The admit card will then appear on the screen. Carefully go through the admit card. Save the admit card in a PDF format.
- Step-7 : The admit card should then be printed and kept for future use.
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While candidates can choose to appear for one of the two editions of JEE Main, however, those appearing for both the editions are considered for admissions into engineering colleges. Most of the candidates appear for both the editions. This system has been put forward so as to prevent students from dropping a year.
It must also be noted that JEE Main is a screening examination for JEE Advanced which is conducted for admission into Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) only. The IIT results for JEE Main 2020 is expected to be out by 31st January, 2020.