There were around 48,000 students of the Kashmir division arrived at the Annual Regular Examination of Higher Secondary for Class 12 on Wednesday.
As per the statement issued by Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE): The 48,000 students of Kashmir division appeared in the examination. As 433 centers besides a special center for specially-abled students had been locked up at BOSE Campus Bemina, Srinagar.”
The statement confirmed that around 99.5 percent of students arrived in the examination for which a hundred percent of arrangements were made.
There were Flying squads were established for monitoring the examination and sufficient security measures in and throughout the examination centers were also taken by the management.
Jammu and Kashmir are set to officially become a Union Territory on Thursday. Apart from police and security forces, the Jammu and Kashmir Board has also made proper arrangements to keep cheating and violations in check during the examination. As part of this action, the board has set up flying squads who examine by the way of surprise visits to various examination centers to review the exam processes and also evaluate the arrangements made by the exam centers for the students.
It was the first time that Board Exams are being taken in the Jammu and Kashmir keeping into mind the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019 which had pushed our country moving towards a whole India. However, the first day of Class 12 Board Exams for JKBOSE students performed on peaceful with no major conflict being reported from across the valley.
It concludes that the education part of our country is the verge of moving together and even though the steps might shake a little but there is still a ray of hope. A little time and soon the whole country will wear the same shoes keeping the religious aspects aside.