RRB or the Railway Recruitment Board had announced the opening of vacancies for Junior Engineers in 2019, the recruitment of which would take place through a Computer Based Test. To know more about the vacancy, exam and recruitment, candidates must keep a close check on the website of RRB.
The Railway Recruitment Board had notified of 13464 vacancies for the following posts –
- Junior Engineer (JE): 12844 posts
- Junior Engineer (Information Technology) (JE-IT): 29 posts
- Depot Material Superintendent (DMS): 227 posts
- Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA): 387 posts
The recruitment will take place in two stages according to the procedure laid down by RRB. After the completion of the first stage, the second stage of JE Computer Based Test was to be held between 28th August to 1st September 2019. However, subsequently, the date of one exam was changed and was conducted on 19th September 2019 instead.
Exam Date of Second Stage JE Computer Based Exam | 19th September 2019 |
Release of question paper & answer key | 26th September 2019 to 29th September 2019 |
RRB had enabled candidates to view their question paper, responses and answer key through a link on the website of RRB between 26th September to 29th September 2019. This is done to provide the candidates, a platform to raise questions and objections by paying the amount of Rs 50/- only.
The Answer key for the stage II RRB JE CBT exam has also been released on 26th September 2019. The candidates can calculate their score, which will then be tallied with the cut-off marks to determine the final result for the exam. Candidates can make a note of the minimum qualifying marks for the examination. The minimum qualifying marks varies according to the category to which a person belongs. Here is the category-wise list of qualifying marks for RRB JE CBT-2 exam –
- General – 40% or 60 marks out of 150
- Economically Weaker Section (EWS) – 40% or 60 marks out of 150
- Other Backward Classes (OBC) – 30% or 45 marks out of 150
- Scheduled Castes (SC) – 30% or 45 marks out of 150
- Scheduled Tribes (ST) – 25% or 37.5 marks out of 150
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for RRB JE 2019 CBT 2 Exam Date Out, CBT 1 Result Declared – Stay Tuned on PaGaLGuY
The cut-off marks are not yet out, but the candidates can take a look at the expected cut-off marks for the exam. The cut-off marks will be released on the official website of RRB. The cut-off marks will also vary according to different categories. Here is the list of expected cut-off marks for RRB JE CBT-2 exam (Please make note that the following marks are out of 150)–
- General – 65-75
- EWS – 65-70
- OBC – 60-70
- SC – 55-65
- ST – 50-60
The last notification regarding this exam was released on 26th September 2019 on the official website of RRB. To check this notification, candidates simply need to visit the official website of RRB, which is www.rrbcdg.gov.in and click on the link under the date 26-09-2019 which reads “Click to view 2nd stage CBT Question Paper, Responses, Keys and Raising Objections on Questions/Options/Keys, if any (JE, JE/IT, DMS & CMA Posts)”.