Arvind Kejriwal former IIT mechanical engineer, worked for Indian Revenue Service and an income tax officer & presently a successful politician who has marked his benchmark in Delhi assembly polls by winning 28 out of 70 seats. A year ago Kejriwal was just a social activist who supported Anna Hazare in his jan lokpal bill movement which was an anti-corruption movement. Later on he formed his own political party by the name of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) with a broom as its election symbol. After that he started a massive movement against corrupt leaders & power holders in India. From Ex Law Minister Salman Khurshid to BJP politician Nitin Gadkari, Kejriwal spared none. Not many people know that Kejriwal also played an important role in passing of Right to Information Act in India along with Anna Hazare. Kejriwal’s (AAP) changed the history of Delhi politics or we can say Indian politics. Everyone underestimated the power of a common man like Kejriwal. His AAP is said to be the main reason behind political giant Congress big defeat. As against AAP’s maiden 28 seats congress was able to secure only 8 seats in Delhi polls. Kejriwal’s innovative ideas of campaigning, selection of young and educated candidates, face to face communication with people, electricity bill hike movement, giving a strong voice against corruption are said to be the main reasons behind this historic win of his party. Being a former social activist Kejriwal converted an NGO into a political party which eventually proved its impact. Kejriwal is one such leader who offers solutions to people’s problem being a common man as he relates to both urban and rural population. Under estimated by giant and powerful political parties Kejriwal surprised many by defeating 3 times Delhi CM Sheila Dixit by a margin of 22000 votes. Kejriwal is simply a “man of his words” who without any political support has managed to mark his territory in Delhi constituency with the sole love and support of his supporters. The broom man Kejriwal has truly emerged and proved himself as a challenger and disrupter in the eyes of people. At yet he is having 1.3 Million followers on facebook & his popularity is heating up every day. “Yeh Aam Aadmi Party ki jeet thodhi hai, yeh Arvind Kejriwal ki jeet thodhi hai, yeh to is desh ke Aam Aadmi ki jeet hai”– Arvind Kejriwal
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