The results for the entrance examination conducted by the Jawaharlal university for the post graduation courses has now has its results declared. The results for the courses like MA/MSC/MCA for the academic year of 2019-2020 is completely uploaded in the website of NTA. The national testing agency has also declared the results of BA, MTECH, and MPH, PGD, COP, ADOP Courses. NTA had also declared results for the courses like BA, M tech and MPH, PGD, COP, ADOP Courses. All the courses results are now available in the www.ntajnu.in and students can check results with their valid registration number. Let us see the way to check the results.
JNU results 2019: ways to check the results:
As the first step visit the official website of NTA at www.nta.ac.in .
Click on links JNUEE and CEEB 2019 results link.
You will be redirected to the new page of NTA. Click on the link for the courses and your results will be appeared. Take a printout for the safety and for the future reference and save a screenshot or link in your system desktop or to your file manager section of your mobile phone. You will have to submit your user ID and password and submit.